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tim wendelboe

Los Pirineos Pacamara Bourbon Honey

Los Pirineos Pacamara Bourbon Honey

Regular price $31.00
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This is a sweet Bourbon coffee  with flavour notes of milk chocolate, roasted nuts with hints of dried fruits.


Bourbon Elite

Flavour Notes

Chocolate, hazelnuts & dried fruits


Diego Baraona


El Salvador


Tecapa-Chinameca, Usulutan




February 2023

Roast Profile

Light Roast


This is a very clean honey processed Bourbon coffee that is a good representation og the Bourbon coffees grown at Los Pirineos. It has a lot of the milk chocolaty notes you often find in the Bourbon coffees in Brazil, but with more intensity and concentration of flavour. The coffee has distinct flavours of chocolate, roasted nuts and dried fruits. I love drinking this coffee when I want something sweet and comforting or to use it in a tasting as a contrast to the fruity and floral coffees we often have on our menu from Kenya and Ethiopia.

Gilberto Baraona named his bourbon trees «Bourbon Elite» as these trees are very old and are considered to be among the original Bourbon trees that were planted in El Salvador many years ago. I am happy to know that his son Diego, loves these Bourbon coffees as much as I do and say he will focus on producing more of it along with his Pacamara, Sudan Rume and a few other cultivars he has identified to produce unique coffees on his farm.

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